Seduced by a Vampire - Flash Fiction

~ Deadly Beauty ~

He was pale, but beautiful. I stared into his eyes and was totally captivated. I felt warm inside and my skin tingled with anticipation. I felt loved. I wanted him. Wanted to give myself to him completely. I was in his arms, just looking into those eyes, and nothing else mattered. He kissed me passionately and I forgot all else. Forgot that I was in love with another.

He leaned down toward my neck and I turned my head to let him kiss me and make me feel alive.

I heard a sickening thud and my eyes flew open. His head jerked to the side and he stared blankly at me before falling forward and bringing me down with him.

My head hit the hard pavement and I laid there for a few moments, dazed. I became aware of his weight on top of me and the fact that he wasn’t moving to get back up.

I pushed at his shoulder. Nothing. I pushed a little harder. He still wouldn’t move. Panic started to weave its way through me. I wriggled out from underneath him and that’s when I noticed the thick piece of wood sticking out of his back. I screamed and scrambled back away from him.

Who would do such a thing to the man I loved? I looked around frantically and saw a tall man with a dark complexion standing over me with a look of horror on his face. He had done this.

I struggled to my feet. "Murderer!"

I lunged toward him, hands outstretched, reaching for his throat, but his large hands grabbed me by the wrists and prevented me from getting my revenge. I kept on screaming at him.

He looked at me with a hurt expression. "Sophie, love. It's me, Brendan. Don't you remember me?"

"No!!!" I screamed, "You killed him! You killed him!"

"Sophie. Please listen to me. He was a vampire! He was about to–” his breath hitched “–drain you of all your blood."

I looked at him, incredulous. “What? Are you crazy?”

I could see it in his eyes. He was serious. I looked at the man that was lying dead on the ground and had to do a double-take. There was no blood. How could there be no blood? The sight made my stomach turn and I twisted in the man's grasp so that I could be sick on the ground.

"It's true," he told me. "If I did not stop him, you would be the one lying there dead."

I looked into his eyes. I was so confused. Who was this man? How did he know my name? How could I know if he was telling the truth? The beautiful man on the ground was the man I loved.

I struggled in his grasp. "No! I love him! I love him and you killed him!"

"Okay. If you love him, what is his name?"

"What kind of ridiculous question is that? Of course I know his name! It's... ah... it's... Oh… I don't know..." I rubbed my forehead with my hand. Why couldn't I remember his name?

"You see, Love, he had you under his spell. You felt compelled to be with him. That's how they operate. Ten minutes ago, you had never seen him before in your life. Ten minutes ago, you were my wife."

I felt dizzy. "No! You're lying..." My legs were turning to jelly.

He tightened his grip and I could see the concern in his brown eyes. "It's starting to wear off. You will soon lose consciousness."


"When you wake, you will remember who you are. You will remember me..." There was a hint of a smile on his face.

I tried to tell him no again, but the world was starting to tilt sideways under my feet and it was getting darker. I was terrified. I tried to fight it, tried to fight him, but I was no longer in control of my body. I heard him say, “I love you, Sophie,” as the darkness closed in...

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