Review of CHROMOSOMES By Ashleigh Reynolds

5 Stars!

Emma is captured and dumped in a small room full of bloodstains. Even the headboard on the bed is stained. She has no idea who her captors are or what they want from her, but she is sure that she is about to die.

When they dump her in a dark alley, she thinks she’s free, but it’s not to be. When she is attacked by a man, his sinister intentions are quite clear. But she is saved by a very tall man who is all muscle with unnatural-looking green eyes, and now she doesn’t know if he has truly saved her, or if she’s now on the menu.

To her surprise, he doesn’t kill her. In fact, they end up escaping together, and that’s the beginning of their journey.

I liked the main characters and their interactions and it was hard to put the book down. I had to force myself to stop reading and get back to work! (I work from home).

I really enjoyed this book and the ending left me wanting more.




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